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Rites: Renown

Page history last edited by TC STs 3 months, 1 week ago

Rites of Renown commemorate individual accomplishments and a Garou's passage to a new station within Garou society.


Related Rites Pages: Rites - Accord - Caern - Death - Mystic - Minor - Punishment - Seasonal - Tribal


Basic Rites


Rite of Accomplishment

Required: The requirements for this rite are the following:

    • The story of the Renown-worthy deeds must be told (either at game or over the game's discord)
      • Any two Garou can work on Rite of Accomplishment together: One to tell the story and one to be the ritualist. It is tradition of Galliards to perform the story, even if they are not the ritualist.
    • The storyteller and ritualist must perform the rite in front of an audience -- it cannot be performed secretly; Unless at a Shadow Moot  
    • The recipient for permanent Renown has 10 temporary renown of the same type

Challenge: This Rite traditionally falls under the auspices of the Galliards, who have an easier time performing it.

    • Galliard ritualists make a Static Social Challenge vs. 8 Traits, unless someone disputes it, in which case it becomes 10 Traits.
    • Non-Galliard ritualists make a Static Social Challenge vs. 14 Traits, unless someone disputes it, in which case it becomes 16 Traits.
    • If multiple Garou are being honored in the same Rite, the ritualist must make a challenge for each recipient separately.

Number of Ritualists: 1

Description: This rite honors the accomplishments of a Garou who has performed a deed worthy of new Renown. The ritualist calls the honored Garou forward and describes their worthy deeds, then invites others to add their voices to praise the subject(s). Some might speak up to challenge the subject's readiness instead, inviting a Frenzy -- but the subject(s) need only remain calm against such objections to prove them mistaken. This is a test of the subject's true character: the use of Gifts and powers to subvert the risk of Frenzy is greatly disrespectful to the Rite, and may well cause the Rite to fail for that person.

Effect: If anyone disputes the rite in progress, a unique kind of Frenzy test occurs: the disputer makes a Social Challenge against the subject(s). If the disputer wins, the subject Frenzies, and the rite fails for that person. If nobody Frenzies, no further disputes may be raised against the Renown in question for three weeks. If the ritualist fails the Social Challenge, then this is seen as mystical evidence of some hidden flaw that makes them unworthy; ask the Storytellers to help weave this new information into the character's story. If the ritualist succeeds, then the subject gains a permanent Renown by converting 10 temporary renown of the same type. (Remember to inform the desk of your new Renown in your XP Spending. Be specific about what the tale was so that it can be recorded accurately.) NOTE: If the challenge is failed, the temp renown is lost but does not roll into permanent. 


Rite of Passage

Required: One or more cubs, ready to prove themselves Cliath of the Nation

Challenge: Static Social vs. 11 Traits

Number of Ritualists: 1

Description: This rite formally inducts one or more cub into the Garou Nation as a full member. The ritemaster -- often the Den Parent -- sends the cubs on a quest to prove themselves worthy. The nature and origin of the quest varies greatly from tribe to tribe: some ritemasters leave the matter in the hands of the spirits of Gaia to decide, relying on a spirit messenger to bring a quest to the cubs, while other ritemasters will send the cubs on a mission of their own devising. The quest itself should be a test of the cubs' courage, honor, and wisdom appropriate to their auspices, as well as a test of their ability to operate as a pack. Some tribes' rites of passage are brutal, as likely to kill cubs as prove them; others are more symbolic, a recognition of the readiness the cubs have already demonstrated in their Den Parent's care.

Effect: If the cubs succeed at their quest, they become Cliath, and the deeds they performed on (or, sometimes, before) their Rite of Passage become the starting three Renown according to their Auspice. The new Cliath each also gain a Tribe, as determined by the Totems of the Nation, who look on and indicate their approval by some means.


Rite of Praise

Challenge: Static Social vs. 10 Traits

Number of Ritualists: 1

Description: This rite honors a werewolf who has given more, risked more, and sacrificed more than necessary for the good of other Garou, Gaia, or anything related. The entire sept is gathered as the ritemaster presents the commendation, often with a token worthy of the honoree, such as a fetish, as a final reward. This rite is not used lightly, or to reward expected behavior — it honors only the greatest.

Effect: The ritemaster presents to the sept the deeds and actions of the chosen Garou warranting such praise. If the rite is successful, the praised Garou gains a bonus trait on Social Challenges when dealing with other members of the sept over the next three months. (Please inform the XP desk with the date of this rite’s performance so it can be tracked appropriately.)


Rite of Wounding

Required: A Garou who has earned their first battle scar

Challenge: Static Social vs. 11 Traits

Number of Ritualists: 1

Description: Battle scars are held in great esteem among the Garou. Each one tells a tale of service and sacrifice for Gaia, not to mention survival against deadly odds. This ritual celebrates the first such scar. The ritemaster and the subject might conduct the rite as a private meditation on the tragic necessity of war, as the Children of Gaia might do; or they may go before the entire Sept and celebrate the glorious battle with food and drink, as the Get of Fenris are wont.

Effect: The scarred Garou maxes out at 10 Temp Glory and are immediately eligible for a Rite of Accomplishment . (Inform ST's of the Temp Renown and XP Desk if a Rite of Accomplishment converted this effect to 1 Perm Glory.) The Wound Ritualized this way cannot ever be healed even by Supernatural means.

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