In our game you are allowed to follow 3 totems. The first is your Pack totem. Then your personal totem. Then either the sept totem or the totem of your tribe.
A Pack is a small group of werewolves, united in service to a particular spirit of Gaia, their Totem. Packmates watch out for one another's best interests and pursue their goals as a team. Lone wolves without a pack are at a disadvantage in Garou society, often distrusted or not taken seriously. The wolf side of Garou nature only feels whole when running with a pack.
A Personal Totem is a spirit to whom a werewolf maintains a private devotion. Packmates help one another to serve their Pack Totem, but Garou with Personal Totems must work hard to meet the demands of another spirit with the same fervor.
The Sept Totem Is granite and the totem of your tribe would be just that, the spirit who represents your tribe. Like the other two totems you should invest full points to all totem equally.
Related Pages: Packs and Personal Totems - Totems - Totems of War - Totems of Respect - Totems of Wisdom - Totems of Cunning
Forming a Pack
A group of Garou who desire to form a pack must perform the Rite of the Totem, or have it performed on their behalf. They may ask the Storytellers to choose a spirit for them, or they may choose a Totem beforehand from the list of Totem Spirits. A pack in TC Garou is considered to be 3 or more people based in our home chronicle. You can have members of a pack from other games but if the majority do not play in TC then that pack does not get a pack Downtime for TC.
The Totem may ask the nascent pack to perform a task or offer a chiminage. If the Garou do so to the spirit's satisfaction, they become a pack.
Pack Totem Benefits
Every Totem Spirit provides certain benefits to those Garou who follow it. To gain the benefits of the patron spirit of your pack, you must assign dots of the Totem Background to your pack's Totem spirit. You may purchase these dots with Experience Points or reassign dots of the Background you have assigned to other spirits, or unassigned.
- If you have no Personal Totem, you can receive the Totem Benefits by investing only one dot into the background. More dots signify more devotion to the spirit.
- If you do have a Personal Totem, you receive your Pack Totem Benefits only when you invest a number of dots equal to the Totem's full listed cost. Keeping two spirits happy requires the extra effort.
Packs are responsible for keeping their Totem's Ban. If they break its Ban, the Totem removes all its benefits, including Pack Link.
Pack Link
Packs also gain the benefit of Pack Link -- constant surface-level telepathy between packmates that is always active and operates over any Earthly distance. Crossing into Umbral Realms may interfere with the link.
- Pack Link doesn't allow anyone to directly sense what you sense.
- In combat, or under duress, Pack Link can only convey emotions, basic images, and ideas.
- Between scenes, or without time constraint, pack link can be used to converse with complete thoughts and sentences.
- When a packmate is in Frenzy the only emotion felt from the frenzied Garou is uncontrolled rage.
- It is also possible to actively suppress your pack link while conscious.
Following a Personal Totem
Seeking the blessing of a Personal Totem is a highly individual activity among Garou. Speak to a Storyteller about gaining this connection. Garou almost always select Personal Totems associated with the brood of their Tribal Totem -- those who seek other Totems must often prove themselves with significant extra effort, such as an extra year of flawless devotion.
Personal Totem Benefits
Any werewolf may undertake private worship of a spirit, but Personal Totems only grant their Benefits to Garou of Cliath Rank and higher. You must assign Totem Background points equal to the full cost of the Totem before gaining its benefits, reflecting the extra effort your service to the spirit requires.
Sept Totem/Totem of your tribe
Any werewolf can follow these as members of a sept or a tribe. Keeping in mind the kind of garou you are and decide which of the bans would make more sense for your character to more personally value.
You are responsible for keeping all your Totem's Ban. If you break its Ban, the Totem removes all its benefits.
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