Every werewolf has a Breed, namely, the shape in which they were born and spent their childhood. There are three Breeds.
Homid Garou were born human, from a human kinfolk or Homid Garou mother. The Homid breed is by far the most common, and is recommended for players unfamiliar with Werewolf. Homid Garou lived human lives throughout their childhood and adolescence, until their First Change confirmed their birthright among the warriors of Gaia.
- Breed Form: Homid, the human shape, is the Breed Form of Homid Garou. They may return to this form instantly, and they take it when sleeping and unconscious.
- War Form: Crinos form is the War Form of Homid Garou. They take it in Berserk Frenzy and receive Rank strength bonuses in Crinos shape.
- Silver Resistance: Homid born while in Homid shape may attempt Soak vs. Silver. Page Silver and Other Hazards has the full details.
Lupus Garou are born wolves, from a wolf kinfolk or a Lupus Garou mother. Due to the worldwide drop in wolf populations over the last several hundred years, Lupus Garou are increasingly and tragically rare among werewolves. They live as young wolves until their First Change at about two or three years of age. This Breed is restricted by the Storytellers: do not plan a Lupus character without obtaining their approval first.
- Breed Form: Lupus, the wolf shape, is the Breed Form of Lupus Garou. They may return to this form instantly, and they take it when sleeping and unconscious.
- War Form: Either Crinos or Hispo is the War Form of Lupus Garou, chosen at character creation. They take it in Berserk Frenzy and receive Rank strength bonuses in their chosen shape.
- Silver Resistance: Lupus born while in Lupus shape may attempt Soak vs. Silver. Page Silver and Other Hazards has the full details.
Metis Garou are born of the forbidden pairing of werewolf and werewolf. They are born in Crinos shape, an ordeal that often kills the young Metis and/or its mother. Metis are deformed, suffering some kind of defect that marks their shameful parentage. They live isolated childhoods, hidden away from human and wolf worlds alike, until they are old enough to Change -- usually from 8 to 10 years old.
- Breed Form: The deadly Crinos form is the Breed Form of Metis Garou. They may return to this form instantly, and they take it when sleeping and unconscious.
- War Form: Crinos is the War Form of Metis Garou. They take it in Berserk Frenzy and receive Rank strength bonuses in Crinos shape.
- Silver Vulnerability: Metis may never attempt to Soak vs. Silver. Page Silver and Other Hazards has the full details.
- Deformity: All Metis have some kind of problematic deformity. Possibilities are listed below. They also always have infertile as a default.
Metis Deformities
This list collects the birth defects that characterize Metis. If you're playing a Metis, choose one of these when you build your werewolf. (Negative Traits and other disadvantages gained through these deformities do not add Freebie Points toward character creation.) Other deformities than these may also be designed with the assistance of a Storyteller.
- Albino: No matter what form you take, you have no melanin in your body. Your skin is pink and tends to sunburn easily. Your hair is ghost-white, and your eyes appear pink or red. Not only do you look strange, but you’re also extremely light-sensitive. You must bid two Traits when operating in bright light without protective gear.
- Blind: The world of sight is lost to you. Perhaps your eyes don’t work, or maybe you have empty sockets where your eyes should be. You automatically fail any test involving vision.
- Deaf: Something in your ears simply doesn’t work. You automatically lose all challenges where hearing is a factor. You are not necessarily mute, but being unable to hear yourself, speech and howling don’t come easy.
- Fits of Madness: Every so often, you go a little bit crazy. Choose a derangement. In times of extreme stress, make a test with the Storyteller to see if you slide into madness.
- Fragile Claws/Loose Teeth: Your natural weaponry is defective. If you attempt to bite or claw your target, you inflict bashing damage. Further, make a test to see if your claws or teeth break off in the attempt.
- Hairless: You have no hair anywhere on your body in any form. Odd enough in homid form, you look positively strange in lupus or Crinos form. You take the Negative Traits: Hairless and Repugnant. Furthermore, you must bid an extra Trait when initiating challenges during cold weather.
- Horns/Hooves: You have horns sprouting from your forehead - curving like a ram’s, or short goat’s horns, or stubby deer antlers. You might even have a single unicornlike horn. Conversely, you might have hooves like a deer or horse instead of feet. Whatever this deformity looks like, you must bid two Traits on Social Challenges. In Garou society, horns and hooves are the mark of prey, not predator, and using either in a fight may cost you Glory for fighting like prey.
- Hunchback: The name says it all; all you need is a cathedral. You cannot take the Physical Traits: Graceful, Lithe or Nimble nor the Social Traits: Alluring, Elegant, Gorgeous or Seductive. In addition, you take the Negative Traits: Clumsy and Lame.
- No Sense of Smell: For creatures that depend on scent, this deformity can make life very difficult. You automatically fail any test involving your sense of smell. If you try to track someone with Primal-Urge, you must bid an extra Trait.
- Weak Immune System: You seem to catch every bug that comes along, and are often sick. You have no Bruised health levels; when you start marking damage,
you begin with Hurt.
- Withered Limb: You have four limbs, but one doesn’t work right, perhaps due to atrophied muscles or missing digits. Depending on your form, you incur a two-Trait penalty when running or trying to use the limb.
The Breeds & Breeding (Pregnancy)
Offspring take the breed form of the mother.
- Male homids can sire children.
- Female homids have a gestation period of 9 months. During the 1st and 2nd trimester (6months total), shapeshifting does not harm the child. During the 3rd trimester, shapeshifting will end the pregnancy.
- Male lupus can sire children.
- Female lupus gestation period of 3 months. During the first 1 month, shapeshifting does not harm the pups. During the 2nd and 3rd month, shapeshifting will lose the litter.
Metis: Male and Female metis are incapable of having children. Period.
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