Experience Points (XP) are a measure of how your character learns and grows over time. You earn them for attending games and spend them to acquire new and more effective capabilities for your character.
Earning Experience Points
For Each game attended Live you will gain half of your monthly cap. Characters housed in our Chronicle who travel will accrue 1-2 pts of XP with an appropriate email sent to STaff.
*You cannot earn more than 12/10/8 XP per month, depending on the size of your sheet (0-199 points, 200-399, and 400+). If you permanently retire your character or if it dies, you may transfer any unspent XP up to the 60 point cap per the new character generation rules.
Spending Experience Points
Spend your XP by describing what you want to purchase on the website Haller. You can add it to your downtimes emails as well.
If you're not sure how much XP you have available to spent, you can find the number at the top of the character sheet you receive at the game. Also, it will be updated on Haller after game.
What You Can Buy
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