Gifts are distinct, individual supernatural powers Garou possess. They're called Gifts because they are given to Garou by their spirit allies. But thanks to ancient pacts between the spirits and the Garou, the spirits show favoritism. They will only teach certain Gifts to those Garou of an aligned tribe, breed, or auspice. Each category of Gift is listed in the pages below.
The spirits also restricted their Gifts by a Garou's Rank: cubs can get Basic Breed and Auspice gifts with their Den Parent's approval, Cliath and higher can get Basic gifts, Adren and higher can get Intermediate Gifts, and Elders can get Advanced Gifts. If you lose your rank due to Rite of Renunciation, Rite of Satire, or other similar methods, you will no longer be able to purchase gifts of your former rank (until you achieve that rank again), however you do not lose the capability to utilize the gifts you already possess.
Purchase new Gifts for your character by spending Experience.
Miscellaneous Power Rules
Changeling: These are the powers that changelings can use. They are very restricted.
Creating a Gift: The process of creating a gift for the betterment of the nation is hard and long process, here are the house rules for it.
How to Read Each Gift
The Gifts on this wiki are gradually being translated into the following format.
Name of Gift
To Learn: If this is shown, you must meet particular requirements in order to learn the gift.
Activation Time: What type of combat action it takes to activate the gift: Personal, Normal, Reflexive, At-Will, Automatic, or Unique.
Required: If this is shown, you must meet particular requirements in order to use the gift.
Frequency: How often you are allowed to activate the Gift. If this isn't shown, it may be used at will (with normal restriction to spending Rage and Gnosis in the same round, and the five-minute rule).
Activation Cost: Any costs that must be paid before attempting to use the gift. If this isn't shown, there are no costs to make the attempt.
Challenge: The type of challenge necessary, its difficulty (or target). If this isn't shown, there's no challenge.
Retest: Every Gift that has a Challenge has a retest Ability. Unless otherwise specified, the Ability a target uses to defend against the Gift is the same.
Follow-up Cost: Any costs that can or must be paid after winning the challenge to use the Gift. If this isn't shown, there are no followup costs.
Effect: The effect of the gift is described here.
Duration: How long the gift remains active. If this isn't listed, the effect simply happens once as described.
Duration and Stacking Gift Effects
Multiple uses of a Gift on yourself or a target do not usually stack. You cannot use Fatal Flaw multiple times to increase your damage against a target; multiple Black Furies cannot use Curse of Aeolus to stack penalties onto their foes. Some gifts (like Distractions) are a specific exception to the rule, and say as much in their text.
But if a gift has no duration listed -- it happens once, and then it's done -- multiple uses will most likely work. You can invoke Mother's Touch multiple times to heal more damage, and you can fire Wasp Talons at your enemies multiple times, for example.
Stacking Armor Effects
Gifts that grant Armor are further restricted from stacking: you may have only one Skin-type armor, one Apparel-type armor, and one Barrier-type armor active, from any sources at all. For example, a Bloody Bandage talen can give you Skin-type armor, plus a mundane flak jacket can provide Apparel-type armor, plus the gift Luna's Armor can provide Barrier-type armor. If you then activate Troll Skin -- a Skin-type armor -- it must replace the Bloody Bandage effect.
Learning Out-of-Tribe/Breed/Auspice Gifts
To learn an out-of-Auspice/Breed gift, you must have someone of sufficient rank to learn the gift (Cliath for Basic, Adren for Intermediate, Elder for Advanced) speak to the spirits on your behalf, extolling your virtues and worthiness of having this gift. If the spirit is satisfied with this request, they will assign you a quest that you must complete before you can learn the gift. These quests should be demanding in time, effort, and danger appropriate to the rank of the gift and are determined by the STs. You may not claim renown for this quest (even if your renown would normally let you qualify) as your actions were not to increase your own renown, but rather the renown of the spirit who sent you on the task.
To learn an out-of-tribe gift, you must secure someone of two ranks higher than what the gift requires to learn (Adren for basic, Elder for Intermediate) to speak on your behalf. The task will come for the 6+ renown chart for basic gifts, and the 8+ renown chart for intermediate gifts. All other requirements remain the same.
The individual who chooses to speak on your behalf, risks their own reputation among the spirits when they choose to make such a request. A note will be added to their sheet including the name of the character that they vouched for. Should that character ever be punished and stripped of renown, the character who vouched for them to learn a gift gains spirit notoriety with the instructing spirit's brood equal to the number of renown lost. If a character gains 5 or more spirit notoriety with their tribal brood from such a loss, they are immediately expelled from their tribe and considered Ronin. Only a major undertaking can reverse such damage to a Garou's spiritual reputation.
At Storyteller discretion this penalty may be reduced or removed, based upon the nature of the renown loss, and the spirit who taught the gift.
Camp and House Gifts
Some Tribal Gifts are associated with particular Camps and Houses, as described in the Requirements line of the gift description. It is possible for non-Camp or non-House members to learn these gifts. You must be a member in good standing of the Tribe, you must have a sponsor within the Camp or House to speak for you, and you must pay chiminage to the spirit. Then with Storyteller approval, you can pay the usual "Out-Of-" XP cost to learn the Gift.
Gifts that work vs Wraiths
While this list may be expanded with details, a quick reference guide is needed currently. Unless otherwise noted, these listed gifts work 1:1 on Wraiths the same way as they would on Spirits.
If a gift is not listed, it has no effect on wraiths. Wraiths are a uniquely dangerous foe that is more difficult for Garou to engage.
Sense the Unnatural
Name the Spirit - Additionally distinguishes the target is a Wraith instead of a Spirit when successful.
Spirit Speech
Exorcism - Forces the Wraith to end Possession, Puppetry, or Inhabit. No other effect.
Pulse of the Invisible - Tests vs. Shroud instead of vs. Gauntlet
Spirit Drain - Drains the Wraith's Pathos and converts it to Willpower.
Scent of the True Form
Attunement - Can be used to locate the most powerful Haunt of a city.
Cybersenses - Mental Test to detect if an electronic is Inhabited by a Wraith |
Mindblock - Can protect from Puppetry, Keening, or other Wraith powers that target the Mind |
Sense Magic - Can sense Arcanoi actively being used in the world ("skinlands") |
Rite of Cleansing - Forces a Wraith to end Inhabit of an inanimate object. |
Spirit Ward |
Sense Wyrm - Static Mental Test to determine if a Wraith is present; does not give direction or location. |
Terror of the Dire Wolf |
Miscellaneous: These are the guidelines that helped determine what a Gift Activation Time should be.
Normal Activation: It is an attack, has a non-static or Gauntlet opposed challenge, would be difficult to do in duress (rituals, athletic retest), clearly time demanding, or summoning.
Personal Activation: These are typically buffs and boons. Gifts that do not involve an opposing force, do not directly impact enemies, do not change the battlefield, or are a static challenge. Note: Relenting to a Normal Activation does not make it a Personal Activation instead.
Personal (Movement): Gifts that alter or replace the movement action.
Unique: Not suitable for combat; case-by-case basis.
Automatic: Always in effect or will always happen when applicable.
At-Will: Optional to use and can be used during anyone's action.
Reflexive: This is an At-Will type gift that also has a Requirement clause. It may be used during any action in which the requirement is fulfilled.
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