Sir Not Appearing in this Game

Here are characters currently not allowed in our chronical due to power balance and ST knowledge



Any character that would violate the codes of conduct. Read them. Know them. Love them. Have respect for your fellow players.



We do not allow any character to be under the age of 18 or age of maturity (Lupus that is 2 years old. Metis that is more complicated but your first change). the only acceptance to this rule is if the player themselves is under the age fo 18, but they will need a parental oncent form signed and given to staff. Player characters made before 3/24 are grandfathered in but no new PCs are allowed to be children.


Vampires/Demons/Hunters/ Mages







Black Spiral Dance: If you danced the spiral you can not play this character in our game because players will kill you.

Extinct, Lost Tribes, & Fallen Tribes.

Hakken-- As they are a tribe that does not exist outside the beast courts we are not going to allow them to play in this game.

Boli Zouhisze -- As they are a tribe that does not exist outside the beast courts we are not going to allow them to play in this game.


Restricted Garou:

Lupus born of Glasswalker tribe is currently restricted at new character creation if making a Cliath or Fostern.


We do not allow play of these two types of fera in our game: 

Ananasi (werespiders) and Naga (Weresnakes)- Not allowed in this game. We understand people love them but we are not prepared for that kind of anarchy.


Twin Cities Garou: Last Stand


Still want to request a Rare or Unique?

Check the rules here - Requesting a Rare or Unusual