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Tribes are extended families of Garou, united by devotion to a Tribal Totem rather than simply by ties of blood. Hailing from everywhere in the world there have been wolves, each tribe has distinct traditions and customs. Each tribe has Camps to join, which focus on specific ideal in each Tribe.


Black Furies

A tribe comprised mostly of female Garou, the Black Furies aggressively defend the Wyld and fertile places that are holy to Gaia.

  • Description: Laws of the Wild page 38; Tribebook: Black Furies 
  • Tribal Totem: Pegasus -- though they is a genderless Totem, the winged horse of legend is rightly subservient to Mother Gaia, symbolized by their gelding.
  • Advantage: Once per day, at a site holy to Gaia like a Caern, you can regain a number of Willpower Traits equal to your Rank.
  • Drawback: Men drive you to Frenzy more easily with their inexcusible behavior. You must spend an additional Willpower Trait when you are trying to avoid a Frenzy triggered by a male.
  • Restrictions: Male characters may not be members of the tribe unless they are Metis.


Bone Gnawers

Scavengers and survivors of the streets, the Bone Gnawer's shared struggle to endure has forged their identity.

  • Description: Laws of the Wild page 40; Tribebook: Bone Gnawers 
  • Tribal Totem: Rat -- the ultimate survivor, Rat shows the tribe how to thrive in the dirty places of the cities, despite being unwanted.
  • Advantage: You are always well-connected to the goings-on of the cities. Once per session, you can gain one Influence Trait per Rank for the purposes of gathering information. You may not know any senators or CEOs yourself, but you know their janitors, their plumbers and their dry-cleaners.
  • Drawback: You're held in little regard, if not outright contempt, by the rest of Garou society. Take a one-Trait penalty on all Social Challenges with other Garou.
  • Restrictions: You get none of the Backgrounds Ancestors, Pure Breed or Resources. Those are for nobler sorts than you.


Children of Gaia

"Peace" isn't a concept most people would link to a tribe of warrior-wolves, but the Children of Gaia see it as the cause for which they fight. 

  • Description: Laws of the Wild page 42; Tribebook: Children of Gaia 
  • Tribal Totem: Unicorn -- the mythical creature of purity, the touch of Unicorn's horn can heal any wound... or deal them out to the corrupt.
  • Advantage: As part of a tribe of skilled mediators and persuaders, you gain two additional Social Traits of your choice (choose two from Charismatic, Impressive, Manipulative, or synonyms). These may increase your total beyond the usual maximum for your Rank.
  • Drawback: Your war-form inspires less terror in human witnesses, reducing the effect of the Delirium on them as if they had three additional Willpower. Their Delirium is reduced even if there are Garou of other tribes present in their war-forms. Ironically, this effect is a drawback because it makes it easier for you to damage the Veil. The Children believe this happens because they never participated in the Garou's Impergium of the human race, millennia ago.
  • Restrictions: None.



The roots of the Fianna tribe run deep into Celtic soil, and bloom into epic adventures, rousing musics, good food, strong drink, and unquenchable passions.

  • Description: Laws of the Wild page 44; Tribebook: Fianna 
  • Tribal Totem: Stag -- the lord of the forest, a guardian of the boundary between light and dark, Stag's ties to the Fae and the wilderness bring balance to his tribe.
  • Advantage: Bards and brawls typify a Fianna heritage. Choose two of these four Abilities: Brawl, Expression, Melee, Performance. You begin with an extra Trait in your two chosen Abilities. Your normal maximum for these two abilities is six.
  • Drawback: A creature of passion, your moods are as mercurial as the fae. You are two traits down in all challenges to control your emotions, resist Frenzy, or resist powers that influence emotion.
  • Restrictions: None.


Get of Fenris

These Nordic Garou claim to be warriors among warriors, devoting themselves to Glory and bloodshed with a singular focus.

  • Description: Laws of the Wild page 46; Tribebook: Get of Fenris 
  • Tribal Totem: Fenris Wolf -- the legendary villain of Norse myth is a hero in the eyes of his tribe, a paragon of strength and brutality in war.
  • Advantage: Only the hardiest of Garou make it through a Fenrir Rite of passage. You have an additional Healthy Health Level.
  • Drawback: You despise a particular form of weakness -- as the Fenrir define weakness. Possible targets of your contempt might be cowardice, peaceniks, physical frailty, Weaver-things, or compromise.  You must succeed in a Willpower Challenge when in the presence of an object of your contempt, and if you fail, you have to take action against it -- possibly violent action.
  • Restrictions: Fenrir may not have the Contacts Background -- they have no use for passing acquaintances. If a Fenrir has the Mentor background, the Mentor will never give more direct aid than instruction and advice.


Glass Walkers

Leave the other tribes to their musty old traditions; the Glass Walkers are city wolves, embracing the cutting edge of the fight against the Wyrm.

  • Description: Laws of the Wild page 48; Tribebook: Glass Walkers 
  • Tribal Totem: Cockroach -- a spirit of adaptability, Cockroach's closeness to human civilization has made him an expert on its ins and outs.
  • Advantage: You connect and influence human society with an ease other Garou don't possess. You gain one free level of an Influence, and you can buy further Influence for 1 XP per level (as opposed to the usual 3 XP).
  • Drawback: You are so spiritually linked to the cities that you have difficulty employing Gnosis anywhere else. Anywhere the Gauntlet is 7 or less (except on a Caern), add one Trait to the difficulty of your Gnosis challenges.
  • Restrictions: Eschewing ties to their past, Glass Walkers cannot take the Ancestors, Mentor or Pure Breed Backgrounds.


Red Talons

Humans are the problem, this tribe of lupus-born believes. The Red Talons maintain their wolf natures like a sacred pact with Gaia.

  • Description: Laws of the Wild page 50; Tribebook: Red Talons 
  • Tribal Totem: Griffin -- fierce and untamed, the mythical Griffin shelters all those wild spirits whose children have been ravaged by time and man.
  • Advantage: Your connection to Gaia's pain gives you an extra point of Rage, which may take you over your usual maximums.
  • Drawback: Cities are deeply unnatural to you: you have trouble using Gnosis while in an urban or suburban area. Anywhere the Gauntlet is six or more (except on a Caern), add one Trait to the difficulty of your Gnosis challenges.
  • Restrictions: The Storytellers restrict the numbers of this rare tribe that appear in the game; consult with them first. Homid characters cannot join the tribe, and Metis are rare. Red Talons cannot have the Allies, Contacts, Influence or Resources Backgrounds. Their Kinfolk can only be wolves.


Shadow Lords

The Shadow Lords are a severe tribe, earning their ruthlessness and cunning from long millennia serving faithfully behind the Silver Fangs. Perhaps it's time to change that.

  • Description: Laws of the Wild page 52; Tribebook: Shadow Lords 
  • Tribal Totem: Grandfather Thunder -- slow to gather his power yet swift to strike, the sky-god tests his grandchildren constantly. Stormcrows are his favored messengers.
  • Advantage: You can deftly outmaneuver an unworthy opponent in most social situations, be they manipulation or intimidation. A number of times per session equal to your rank, you may cancel any retest an opponent uses against you in a Social Challenge. This ability can only be used once per round. Can not be used to cancel Luck.
  • Drawback: Grandfather Thunder is utterly merciless toward your mistakes. When you fail a task and lose Renown, you lose one additional Renown. If your failure would somehow gain you Renown instead (it was an honorable effort, perhaps) -- you gain one fewer Renown.
  • Backgrounds: Shadow Lords cannot take the Allies or Mentor Backgrounds. Such things discourage self-reliance.


Silent Striders

A tribe of wanderers without a home, the Silent Striders carry messages between Septs and investigate the secrets of the longest journey -- death.

  • Description: Laws of the Wild page 54; Tribebook: Silent Striders 
  • Tribal Totem: Owl -- swift and silent, a gatherer of mysteries.
  • Advantage: Your experiences on the road have made you especially alert. You may freely cancel any retests called against you for the purposes of Surprise.
  • Drawback: An ancient curse on the tribe draws the restless dead to you at inopportune moments. When you lose a challenge to step sideways, you may (at Narrator discretion) attract a ghost -- treat this as the Haunted Flaw. The ghost won't leave until you perform a service for it.
  • Restrictions: You may not take the Ancestors and Resources Backgrounds; your past is lost to you and you can't put down roots. 


Silver Fangs

At their best, the Silver Fangs are a noble tribe of kings and queens, ancestral rulers of the Garou Nation. But at their worst, they are despots mad with power.

  • Description: Laws of the Wild page 56; Tribebook: Silver Fangs 
  • Tribal Totem: Falcon -- soaring high above all his subjects, Falcon's honor is unquestionable and his wrath strikes swift and true.
  • Advantage: Generations of perfect breeding have anointed you for leadership. Once per Social Challenge you have a free "First Tribe" retest.
  • Drawback: Those same generations may have entangled a few branches of the family tree. As a result, you're a bit mentally unstable. Begin play with one Derangement.
  • Restrictions: Silver Fangs must spend at least three of their initial Background Traits on Pure Breed; after those are purchased, all Backgrounds are available to them.



Eastern philosophies of balance guide this tribe of sages and martial artists. Their fraught history with the Garou Nation makes them rare in the West.

  • Description: Tribebook: Stargazers 
  • Tribal Totem: Chimera -- who can say what this Totem is like? One can only contemplate him in hopes of attaining enlightenment.
  • Advantage: Your spiritual discipline has instilled the Abilities Enigmas x1 and Meditation x2 at no cost. These additions may take you over normal Ability maximums.
  • Drawback: Stargazers are sometimes too philosophical for their own good.  If the character ever fails an Enigmas challenge he will become obsessed with the problem and not be able to concentrate on anything else.  During this time he suffers a 1-trait penalty to all challenges to spot things or on challenges related to awareness of their immediate area.
  • Restrictions: The Storytellers restrict the numbers of this rare tribe; consult with them before selecting it. Stargazers also eschew the bonds of the Backgrounds Allies, Fetish and Resources.



Knowledge is power, and power should not be shared carelessly. Or ever. The native "Tribe of Secrets" embraces the mystical traditions of marginalized peoples across the world.

  • Description: Laws of the Wild page 58; Tribebook: Uktena 
  • Tribal Totem: Uktena -- a water-serpent with the forequarters of a cougar and the antlers of a deer, this Totem conceals its wisdom from the unworthy.
  • Advantage: You are so attuned to the spirit world that you can "peek" from Earth into the Umbra. (Most Garou can only peek from the Umbra to Earth.)
  • Drawback: An undiscovered secret is like a stone in your shoe -- you just have to work it out! When you become aware of a secret or mystery close at hand, you will be at a one-Trait penalty to all Willpower Challenges (and, at Narrator discretion, Social Challenges) if you're doing something other than seeking the answer.
  • Restrictions: None.



These proud warriors of the First Nations peoples dwell deeply in all they have lost since the coming of the Europeans -- but they fight all the harder for their ancestors' sake.

  • Description: Laws of the Wild page 60; Tribebook: Wendigo 
  • Tribal Totem: Wendigo -- Cannibal-spirit of the frozen northern wilderness, his ferocity and hunger are unmatched.
  • Advantage and Drawback: Your tribe is closely tied to the seasons. Note: These will be adjusted based on ST discretion of what real-world seasonal change is, not necessarily on actual Solstices and Equinoxes.
    • Spring is a time of passion and growth. You suffers a one-Trait penalty to all Willpower Tests, but you gain the Physical Trait Tough.
    • Summer is a season for war. You face a one-Trait penalty to resist Frenzy, but you gain the Social Trait Charismatic.
    • Autumn is a time for reflection. You gain the Negative Trait Lethargic, but also the Mental Trait Intelligent.
    • Winter is the tribe's favored season. You gain the Physical Traits Tough x2, but you must take one of the Negative Traits Callous, Dull or Witless
  • Restrictions: Marginalized in modern human society, you may not take the Backgrounds Contacts or Resources.


Croatan (restricted)

The Croatan were the most social of the Three Brothers, and many expressed this tendency with their Attributes and Abilities. They were a stolid, enduring tribe, and favored Traits that enhanced their resilience in one way or another, such as Survival. 

  • Description: Croatan Song and Werewolf the apocalypses 20th Edition
  • Totem: Turtle --The long slumbering totem of the Croatan. She is gentle and sturdy. Encouraging her children to defend their homes. 
  • Advantage and Drawback:
    • Tribal Benefit: Middle Brother. The Wendigo were the greatest Warriors and were always angry and rash, full of the fires of youth. The cunning Uktena sought wisdom, sometimes at the expense of the here and now; the Uktena also had a powerful gift for binding Wyrm beasts, the Croatans' talents lay in purification. The Croatan took the balanced path between the two. The Tribal befit would be a free tribal retest on purification challenges and challenges of diplomacy.  
    • Tribal Weakness: Stubbornness and Pride. Croatan get from their totem a certain flavor of stubbornness like most middle children. When their mind is made up on something it is difficult to convince them another path is an option. All Croatan must spend a Willpower to deviate from a pre-determined course of action.
  • Restrictions: No restrictions.  


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