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Basic LARP Conduct

Page history last edited by TC STs 11 months ago

We expect all players of our game to abide by these rules of conduct. They are not arbitrary; they're designed to highlight common courtesy and to keep the play experience safe.


No Physical Contact Without Consent

Making physical contact with another player isn't always welcome, especially in a role-playing context where your true intentions may not be clear. Before touching another player in a scene, always obtain their explicit consent in advance.


No Stunts

Whether you're a black belt, parkour master, or a chandelier-swinging swashbuckler with a certification to prove it -- please don't. Use your imagination and describe your dangerous actions verbally. This protects everyone from injury and protects our game site from damage.


No Real Weapons

Our game allows approved props that are obviously not real weapons. If anyone brings a real firearm or the like to game, it can result in immediate suspension from TC Garou. We like to think we are an adult game and have mature players. That doesn't always happen, however, and though we are allowing props of weapons we have strict guidelines for them.

  • Firearms Props: These cannot be metal. No cap guns or flare guns etc. Orange tape must cover the barrel. prop guns, even fake ones must never be pointed at anyone. You can hold it just don't point it at someone.  
  • Melee Weapons: Shields, swords, hammers and axes etc, etc. These must be made of foam, or cardboard and obviously fake. Nothing with a sharp end to it. Melee weapons must never be raised above your waist as if you might swing it. Shields can be made of wood or plastic. Staffs can be wooden and the like, but again, no sharp edges. Don't swing the items around.   
  • Indoors Only: With the possible exception of our yearly Event Games, all weapon props should be secured inside the facility we play at. Respect that space with your items. If you have to go outside the building to smoke, hangout, etc. Leave your weapon props inside the facility. Standing around outside with these items where it can draw unnecessary attention is grounds for immediate dismissal from game and possible strikes and or suspension from TC Garou. The only time the props should be back outside is when you are stowing them in your vehicle for the night.
  • Approval: No weapon prop enters play until the Storyteller staff approves the items. If something enters plays that is not approved, that is grounds for disciplinary action.
  • Probationary Period: This is currently the first time in a long time any prop rules such as these were loosened up. We shall try this for a couple of months and see how it goes. If you wish to make a prop and don't know how, ask the community at game. We have a lot of talented folk.


No Drugs or Drinking

We want this play experience to engage your full imaginative capacities, uninfluenced by alcohol or illegal chemicals. We don't trust what those substances will do to your judgment. Do it on your own time, not ours. Do not do drugs at any of the sites and do not come to game under the influence. 


It's a Game

This is supposed to be a fun Saturday night outing for us. If you start taking it so seriously that it stops being fun, you should probably take a break. Non-fun stuff does happen: games run slow, Storytellers mess up, your fellow players do horrible things to your character. Unless you can deal with it all lightly, as a shared creative act and not as a matter of real life or death, you shouldn't be playing the game.


Similarly, spend time not playing, and let others do the same. It's fine to exchange in-character e-mails or have an occasional pack meeting at Perkins, but if you're doing that all the time and asking others to do the same, you're going to burn people out. Make room for other stuff in your life.


Honorable Absences


No player is required to come to any game; real life comes before hobbies and things can come up that draws players away. 


But, if a player would like staff to provide and/or confirm and IC reason for missing a game (an Honorable Absence) where they are expected for a big fight, a punishment, or other important things it must be requested in an email and confirmed by staff. Simply so the STs have a record for what the player was doing if someone decides to look into it. If you do not ask for am Honorable Absence, your character was simply watching tiktoks or Vibing somewhere and decided not to go to gathering that night.



Be Mindful of Non-Players

Often, the game sites we use are not entirely reserved for our activities. Be mindful that people you don't recognize may not be playing the game and may not understand what's going on. Be friendly and direct them to the Narrators or Storytellers if they have any questions.


Have Fun and Share the Fun

We're here to share in the experience of bringing our imaginations to life. This isn't a game you can win; this isn't a game where conquering everyone earns you friends. Just have fun being creative, and share the fun with the people around you. Should you stop caring about another player's fun, it's time for you to examine your motives.


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