

Page history last edited by TC STs 3 months, 3 weeks ago





Numen is typically Restricted to ST approval during Character Creation. The STaff is open to hear requests for a Numen to be acquired after character creation on a case-by-case basis.



Based upon your character's level of Numen, they will have a Rage, Gnosis and Willpower point spread (as well as Charms) equal to the following: [Note: All spirits have access to Reform and Airt Sense. Your Numen's essence, his health, is equal to Rage+Gnosis+Willpower as per canon.]

Level 1: 12 + 1 Charm
Level 2: 15 + 2 Charms
Level 3: 18 + 3 Charms
Level 4: 23 + 4 Charms
Level 5: 28 + 5 Charms

This rough distribution keeps the weakest of Numen comparable to the weakest of common spirits, and the strongest of Numen slightly less powerful than the strongest and most feared Jaggling, the Nexus Crawler. It will be the Storyteller who decides where these points go to, and they will be used to most accurately reflect that of the spirit found in canon.

Players should request spirits that are found in canon. There will be exceptions to this, but that will only be with storyteller approval.



Garou can access their Numen's charms, one charm at a time, by spending a Gnosis point. Given that a spirit using a Charm on themselves is different than a spirit extending a Charm, perhaps through the Gauntlet, to a separate entity, the following modifications will be used:


Charms that are one-use (Blast) will continue to perform normally. Charms that are passive and continuous will last for a single scene and require some measure of concentration to maintain. (Shapeshift, etc.) Charms that are active beyond one-use (Armor, Control Electrical Systems, Peek, Swift Flight - although the Garou needs to be able to fly in order to gain any advantage from this Charm ) will be accessible for an entire scene, but only have as many "uses" equal to that of the level of the Numen. Example: You have Armor with Numen 2, during an entire combat, you can get an additional soak bonus to the next two attacks, regardless of if they come in the first round, or the last. If you want to renew this Charm you have to spend another Gnosis, and it does NOT stack.


The Garou is only a conduit for the Spirit's Charm, the spirit is using the Charm, so the spirit will be using their Rage/Gnosis/Willpower.


Spirits has a list of charms and what they do



It was decided that given the personal nature of many Numen, like a Heart Guide for instance, some manner of communication will be allowed between the Garou and the Numen. With spirits that don't understand human languages naturally, this will be taken in the form of empathic understanding and body language, like that of two persons of foreign cultures trying to communicate. Without spirit speech you are only able to communicate broad ideas and thoughts.

  • Level 1: Rudimentary Gestures are understood (+2 Diff to all Social, without spirit speech) [this means spirit speaking to player and player speaking to spirit]
  • Level 2: Greater understanding has developed (+1 Diff to all Social, without spirit speech)
  • Level 3: Mutual understanding (No penalty)
  • Level 4: Similar Minds have developed (Garou and Numen can communicate telepathically if close to each other, in same Realm)
  • Level 5: "Did he think that, or did I?" (Garou and Numen can communicate telepathically, through Gauntlet and over a great distance.)


Some thoughts on Numens

The Numen is not your personal Extra-power-repository. The Numen is a spirit, a friend and a companion, but it is also a being that has needs. If you randomly enter your friends house, eat all the food in his fridge and then leave, the friend will likely loose patience with you. Randomly tappping into the Numens powers andhaving it use its charms for you will stretch the spirits patience. A spirit has needs, and a Numen is no different. It has bans and requirements placed on it, and it is bound to you because of favors owed. Favors do not run forever, especially if all it does it "holding the shield" for the garou.


A Garou should think both twice and thrice before asking its bonded spirit companion to tap into its own power to help him. It should never be done on a whim, and the use of charms should not be used outside of emergencies. Numens can strengthen your purpose in one way or another simply through the bond you share. You may pay a gnosis to add its rating to your traits in one attribute category, but favors asked beyond that will put strain on the bond, especially when used outside of dire need.


Spirits have pride. They are not pets. They are not cute. They don't necessarily like the people you like, although their bond with you make them tolerate Garou they'd normally be unfriendly towards.

Finally, remember that your Numen is not your telepathic lookout on the other side of the Gauntlet (unless it is of a high enough level). While base communication and strong emotions might be felt by the other part, even across the Gauntlet, it is not a "Oh, numen dude. Check that disturbance out for me please" unless you have a very strong one. Example: a level five Numen required to telepathically communicate across realm borders. The Gauntlet = a realm border. The Gauntlet separates you, and it is highly unusual for a Garou to be able to overcome that barrier at a whim.

Keep all this in mind when you roleplay your Numen. A friendship goes both ways, and a numen scorned or abused may at any given time turn into a no-longer-Numen.

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